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"Inspired by a style he called Poéclésie, MP José presents "Sa Saveur", between French poetry and pop & classical music fusion"

- MP José 

Known by his fans as MP José, Mwizerwa José Providence, is a Rwandan singer-songwriter, keyboardist and poet. 

A University graduate in Soil and Environmental Management, MP was born into a family of musicians, including the late SEMU, former keyboardist of the renowned Rwandan musical group Impala. 

A singing member since childhood, MP José began his musical training at the Petit Séminaire Saint Jean de Nkumba in Rwanda, where, from the age of 13, he was accepted respectively as Choirmaster, Organist and Conductor.

His journey did not deprive him of discovering his taste for writing and pop music, which would nourish his eclectic pop-opera style.

Convinced of a new artistic trend, José explores this concept through different events, such as Les Samedis Symphoniques (2 editions in Musanze), later he conquers the capital with Kigali Treble & Brass in collaboration with his group The Paradise Singers.

Author of several variety singles, a series of poems, including the poecletic collection (of his poetic style "La Poéclésie") "Ma plume craque" and a repertoire of classical songs, including La Grande Messe de la Providence, MP José continues his work for diversity in uniqueness and vice versa with his ongoing musical exchanges.

"MP José is one of the scene's breakout stars"

-  Inyarwanda

© MP JOSE 2021 | All rights reserverd

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